Tilbakeblikk fra Seriedagene 2022

25. - 29. september







Seriedagene har siden oppstarten posisjonert seg som den viktigste TV-seriefestivalen i Norden. Over 700 fagfolk samles i Oslo til fagdag med sesjoner i tre saler, hvor anerkjente bransjeaktører fra inn- og utland deler av sin kunnskap i masterclasses, panelsamtaler, intervjuer og analyser.

Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Material property, Font
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White

Eric Vogel

Eric Vogel is a producer, CEO and co-founder of the production company Tordenfilm, based in Oslo, Norway. His recent work in series includes the Rose d’Or-winning Dome 16 (2022, producer), the Golden Nymph-nominated Made in Oslo (2022, exec. producer), the Rose d’Or and double Prix Jeunesse-winning ZombieLars (2017-2019, exec. producer) as well as the hit thriller Valkyrien (2017, producer). He also worked as a co-producer on the Oscar and BAFTA nominated Bosnian feature film Quo Vadis, Aida? (2020) and produced the two hit animated feature films about Two Buddies and a Badger (2015, 2020). Prior to co-founding Tordenfilm, Vogel worked as a journalist at NRK Radio and studied producing at the Norwegian National Film School. He is currently in post production with the NRK series Heajastallan - A Sámi Wedding party (2025, producer), which is a three-party co-production between Mer Film, Tordenfilm and Forest People.

Dress shirt, Flash photography, Forehead, Nose, Cheek, Head, Eyebrow, Beard, Jaw, Neck

Sesjon | Session

Black, White
Black, White
White, Light, Black, Crescent, Font, Line
Dog, Gesture, Carnivore, Font
Material property, Font

Dansens hus // Ingensteds
25. - 29. september
Fagdag: 28. september

Seriedagene 2023

25. - 29. september

Natural material, Marine invertebrates, Organism, Shell
Natural foods, Goat cheese, Food, Fruit, Ingredient, Plant, Recipe, Tableware
Food, Wood, Cuisine

Seriedagene har siden oppstarten posisjonert seg som den viktigste TV-seriefestivalen i Norden. Over 700 fagfolk samles i Oslo til fagdag med sesjoner i tre saler, hvor anerkjente bransjeaktører fra inn- og utland deler av sin kunnskap i masterclasses, panelsamtaler, intervjuer og analyser.