25. - 29. september






Tilbakeblikk fra Seriedagene 2022

Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Material property, Font
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White
Black, White

Seriedagene har siden oppstarten posisjonert seg som den viktigste TV-seriefestivalen i Norden. Over 700 fagfolk samles i Oslo til fagdag med sesjoner i tre saler, hvor anerkjente bransjeaktører fra inn- og utland deler av sin kunnskap i masterclasses, panelsamtaler, intervjuer og analyser.

MasterClass med MasterCat

In 2005, screenwriter and mentor Blake Snyder summarised his methodology in the bestseller and playwriting bible «Save the Cat – the Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need». Dramaturgical storytelling-brilliance can be achieved by structuring the narrative into 15 essential parts (beats), all of which have specific goals for the best possible storytelling. Where should the turning points lead, the emotional change in the characters, and what elements should be included to ensure you engage the viewers where you want them. The book title is precisely one of these; - have an unsympathetic protagonist do an empathetic action in the opening, like saving a cat. This will trigger a defining moment for the viewer, the moment they subconsciously decide that this main character is worth rooting for until the end of the story.

Blake Snyder suddenly died a few years after publication, but prior to this: he had managed to train several so-called MasterCats in his method. One of these was John Yearley, who is coming to the Oslo Series Days (Seriedagene) for the industry day and a separate 4-hour MasterClass on Friday 29 September.

The MasterClass will deal with how to work from idea to finished script with Blake Snyder's 15 beats method based on concrete examples with participation from the audience. John would like one or more of the participants to bring their projects to a joint review, please register your interest in this to: line.engelsas@aftenposten.no

NOTE: All attendees are encouraged to watch episode 1 of «Breaking Bad» on Netflix prior to the Masterclass!

Hvor og når

Cinemateket | Tancred
29.09 | 10 - 14:30


Small to medium-sized cats, Toy, Felidae, Carnivore, Cat, Fawn
Black, White
Black, White

Dansens hus // Ingensteds
25. - 29. september
Fagdag: 28. september

Seriedagene 2023

25. - 29. september

Natural material, Marine invertebrates, Organism, Shell
Natural foods, Goat cheese, Food, Fruit, Ingredient, Plant, Recipe, Tableware
Food, Wood, Cuisine

Seriedagene har siden oppstarten posisjonert seg som den viktigste TV-seriefestivalen i Norden. Over 700 fagfolk samles i Oslo til fagdag med sesjoner i tre saler, hvor anerkjente bransjeaktører fra inn- og utland deler av sin kunnskap i masterclasses, panelsamtaler, intervjuer og analyser.